Every Tuesday Pete Jackson’s Music & Karaoke Show in Faliraki
quality sound and lighting mixed with talented professional comedic showmanship
Pete Jackson is the most sort after presenter on Rhodes so come and see the show to see why 🙂
Also look out for these two characters, they will force you to have fun & get drunk !
You will almost certainly be forced to look at the entire show lit up professionally to make all the singers look amazing with smoke and lasers, with other cool lighting effects.
Please send us your pictures & videos from the night you can go to mayhementertainment.net
then click on our social media icons on every page or go direct via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc
If you have enjoyed the show then please leave us a review on Google My Biz
(it really makes a difference to us) thank you xxx
Thank you and we hope you have had a great time, xxx Pete