Entertainers Contacts & Bio

Mayhem Entertainment People

Entertainers Contacts & Bio, Everyone that is currently working with Mayhem Entertainment will be listed here. You can read about them and also contact all of us. Please be aware that we cannot answer the phone while working. We may be doing a show or rigging up a sound system, However, you can leave a message so we can contact you back later. If you do leave us a message. Please make sure it states all your requirements and your dates, venue etc.

Mini Midler with pete jackson

Full Time Entertainer Profiles
Please Click On The Links Below

Pete Jackson
Mini Midler
Matt Carter

Entertainers Contacts & Bio

The question is? Do you want a music player or an entertainer. If you would like high quality entertainment. Get one of our professionals to do a show. If you just want a music player to play your fave songs. Don’t waste your money. Hire one of our sound systems

Pete Jackson's Music and Karaoke Show with quality sound and lighting with lasers

Our entertainers use the best quality equipment for the venue. They also know about sound and lighting. Ensuring a high quality fun enviroment, creating a great attmosphere.

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