Contact Details

+447853776828 UK
+306906735466 GR



Facebook Page

contact Mayhem Entertainment Anytime

Contact Details for Mayhem Entertainment and Rhodes Wedding DJ are listed below. Please understand that we may not be able to answer the telephone. We could be performing or setting up a sound and lighting rig. If that is the case, (we do not answer the phone). Please leave a message on your favourite App. We have access to WhatsApp, Messenger and  Viber. 
Also, we have plain old text plus email. All of the links are listed below. Please send as much information as possible about your enquiry. Date & time of your event. Location of the venue.  Type of function? (Party, wedding, corporate event). 
Information about the equipment you wish to hire would also be useful. For example, if you have a DJ, what kind of decks or DJ mixers do they require? Also, other items such as specialist lighting and effects would be useful. The more info we get, the better. 

Contact Details for equipment hire and other entertainment needs

Please be aware that this is an island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Some things are either very expensive or impossible. Mayhem Entertainment is a legal company with all the appropriate documents and complies with all the local Tax and VAT laws. We are also an English-run, registered entertainment company here in Rhodes, Greece. We work according to Greek laws.